MWI Consultants Asbestos Sampling and Abatement

Oishi Yuri 9 years ago 0

Consultation to identify asbestos-containing materials and to determine remedial measures necessary to remove, minimize or control the hazards associated with asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral with long, thin fibrous crystals. The mineral was widely used in a large number of applications, particularly as a flame retardant or insulating material. Asbestos has also been found in many products around the home or office, including clapboard, roofing shingles, attic insulation (vermiculite), exterior siding, pipe and boiler covering, cement, caulking, roof patching material, furnace cement, driveway coatings, wallboard, textured and latex paints, acoustical ceiling tiles, wall plaster, vinyl floor tiles, appliance wiring, hair dryers, irons and ironing board pads.

MWI Consultants

In general, the use of asbestos has been discontinued due to the adverse health effects from inhalation of asbestos fibers. Asbestos is considered a designated material under the Controlled Products Regulations and is a known carcinogen. Chronic exposure to asbestos can lead to asbestosis and mesothelioma (a type of lung cancer), amongst others.

According to Part 36, section 36.5(1) (b) of the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Regulation 217/2006, the occupational exposure limit of a designated material must be as close to zero as is reasonably practicable, but shall not exceed the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Division recognizes the level as close to zero as is reasonably practicable for all forms of asbestos as 0.1 fibres per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc or f/cm3), which matches the TLV established by ACGIH.

Creation of an inventory of asbestos-containing materials

If you are unsure which materials in a property contain asbestos, then one of the first tasks would be to prepare an asbestos inventory. According to law, employers are responsible for ensuring that asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are identified. Part 37.1 of the Workplace Safety and Health Regulation states that any material suspected of containing asbestos is considered to contain asbestos until it is proven to be asbestos-free. This involves a thorough inspection of the entire building (commercial/industrial) for any items which could potentially contain asbestos. Bulk samples of suspected materials are taken and analyzed for asbestos type and content.

Asbestos-Containing Materials are identified and their current condition is evaluated. If the materials are in good condition, a control program can be implemented. If materials are heavily damaged or in poor condition, or if asbestos fibers are detected in the air, then an abatement project may be necessary.

Bulk samples to identify asbestos-containing materials

Workplaces are required to know all asbestos-containing materials in the workplace. If it is suspected that asbestos-containing materials (ACM) may be present, then bulk sampling to determine asbestos content would be warranted, especially prior to any type of significant construction work or renovations that may disturb the material.

Asbestos Abatement Projects

The specific approach will vary with each project, and our services are always tailored to suit your specific needs, however where removal of asbestos-containing materials is necessary, our services can include any or all of the following:

Determination of the scope of work, including the appropriate requirements outlined by regulations.

Selecting contractors for the abatement. Removal of asbestos should only be done by trained professionals. Depending on the level of contamination, the amount of asbestos-containing material, the location, and the type of material, special precautions need to be taken.

Set-up and consultation for the project.

Oversight, inspections and monitoring based on Manitoba Department of Labour guidelines.

Set-up of a negative pressure enclosure monitor/logger (OmniGuard IV) to continuously monitor the negative pressure differential and to log alarm conditions, based on requirements in Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines for working with asbestos.

Perimeter monitoring and inspections to ensure the integrity of the enclosure has not been compromised and to ensure asbestos fibres are contained within the abatement enclosure and that background levels of asbestos are not affected.

Post-Abatement clearance sampling within the enclosure according to requirements in Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health guidelines. Analysis is performed using phase-contrast microscopy following NIOSH 7400 (A Rules) methodologies. All laboratory analyses are performed by accredited laboratories.

Full, comprehensive report providing interpretation of laboratory results and project overview

If you require an abatement to remove hazards associated with asbestos-containing materials, or are unsure whether or not materials contain asbestos, please fill out the "request a quote" form and we will contact you to determine an appropriate course of action or call 1 (204) 981-7690 to discuss your requirements.