
MWI Consultants in Singapore, Asset Management Singapore, portfolio management: PRIVACY POLICY

Crawford Qrvar 9 years ago 0

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which MWI Consultants collect, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the www.mwiconsultants.com (http://www.mwiconsultants.com) website.

We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site.Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities


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MWI Consultants in Singapore, Asset Management Singapore, Portfolio Management Singapore: OUR APPROACH

Crawford Qrvar 9 years ago 0

MWI Consultant – Pondering upon ways to build up your wealth involves one of the main concerns you will face today. We offer you a strong protection for your financial future by delivering counseling and planning services we deem best suited to help you attain your financial objectives.


Our major thrust in serving clients is to match their risk expectations as a vital factor in a financial strategy. Hence, we only deliver investments that suit a particular risk­profile you will be comfortable with and at the same time obtain the level of profitability that satisfies your long­term needs. Considering that your financial needs or and situation may change in time, as they always do to some degree, we aim to collaborate with clients and work with them hand­in­hand to manage their portfolios and suggest necessary changes when required. Moreover, we will submit up­to­date status reports and assessments that offer a clear and comprehensive perspective of your financial progress.


Our commitment is to create a financial plan for you utilizing a well designed investment strategy which requires allotting assets over a central portfolio with other related Investments. The procedure blends an investment approach supported by international economic research and extensive analysis into every particular type of securities available for you.

With the investment industry continually changing in time, we assure our clients of the best information and prospects by utilizing the most up­todate market technology available. Together with our track­record and know­how, we are in a better position than the rest of our competitors to map out a bright and obstacle­free road toward your financial success.


We do not consider any client just another portfolio account but a person with needs and dreams. Your personal choices and goals will serve as the foundation for a truly customized strategy we will work together to create and which will represent your entire character.

Likewise, we firmly believe that the more you have access to valuable information, the more confident you are to make sound financial decisions. As a result, we are in a better position likewise to devise and fine­tune a portfolio that is best suited to your objectives as well as being consistent with your values.


OUR SERVICES at MWI Consultants in Singapore, Asset Management, Portfolio Management

Crawford Qrvar 9 years ago 0

Investment Banking Services

We have a corresponding solution for any need you may have. Our Account Managers can either manage your portfolio for you or you may opt to manage it directly yourself; hence, you have various options on how you want to manage your investment portfolio.


In case you want to make your own investment decisions and trade actively but do not have the resources and time to do so, our Advisory Services will be your representative.

Our Advisory Services will obtain for you the best options in a dynamic financial market, while directing the investment process yourself. Our counselors will offer expert insight and suggestions, regularly assisting you with interactive advice that constantly takes into account your risk limitations.

MWI Consultants offers these benefits of our Advisory Services

  1. Innovative investment concepts and expert recommendations
  2. Direct access to our specialists and a dedicated dealer for personalized assistance
  3. Superior execution capabilities
  4. Active trading support
  5. Access to a long list of brokers
  6. A wide selection of securities
  7. Competitive pricing


Our Discretionary Portfolio Management service provides you a team of expert portfolio managers to whom you can confidently entrust your investment decisions. Having a mix of eight discretionary portfolios customized over a broad range of client risk­levels allows us to efficiently manage the portfolios to seize bright opportunities and minimize risks on your behalf.

Benefits of Discretionary Services

  1. A team­approach for efficient performance
  2. Robust risk management using diversified risk sources
  3. Security selection based on research
  4. Consistent risk monitoring
  5. An excellent track­record. Our returns have consistently exceeded our portfolio benchmarks over a rolling five year period.
  6. Investment limits applied across asset classes, country and industry exposure
  7. Quality Research and Broad Product Selection

Both these services deliver to you great advantages of the full benefits of ourextensive research and well­informed advisory while accessing our variety of product options.


MWI Consultants in Singapore, Asset Management, Portfolio Management: Our Approach

Chloe Thai 9 years ago 0

Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Pondering upon ways to build up your wealth involves one of the main concerns you will face today. We offer you a strong protection for your financial future by delivering counseling and planning services we deem best suited to help you attain your financial objectives.


Our major thrust in serving clients is to match their risk expectations as a vital factor in a financial strategy. Hence, we only deliver investments that suit a particular risk­profile you will be comfortable with and at the same time obtain the level of profitability that satisfies your long­term needs. Considering that your financial needs or and situation may change in time, as they always do to some degree, we aim to collaborate with clients and work with them hand­in­hand to manage their portfolios and suggest necessary changes when required. Moreover, we will submit up­to­date status reports and assessments that offer a clear and comprehensive perspective of your financial progress.


Our commitment is to create a financial plan for you utilizing a welldesigned investment strategy which requires allotting assets over a central portfolio with other related Investments. The procedure blends an investment approach supported by international economic research and extensive analysis into every particular type of securities available for you.

With the investment industry continually changing in time, we assure our clients of the best information and prospects by utilizing the most up­todate market technology available. Together with our track­record and know­how, we are in a better position than the rest of our competitors to map out a bright and obstacle­free road toward your financial success.


We do not consider any client just another portfolio account but a person with needs and dreams. Your personal choices and goals will serve as the foundation for a truly customized strategy we will work together to create and which will represent your entire character.

Likewise, we firmly believe that the more you have access to valuable information, the more confident you are to make sound financial decisions. As a result, we are in a better position likewise to devise and fine­tune a portfolio that is best suited to your objectives as well as being consistent with your values.


Newport International Group Corporate Travel: E-checks are handy, but are they a safe way to pay for travel?

juinellemaxm2 11 years ago 0
As she paged through Viking River Cruises’ glossy brochure one recent afternoon, Diane Moskal noticed a new way to save money: If she booked the Waterways of the Tsars itinerary sailing from Moscow to St. Petersburg with something called an e-check, the cruise line promised to knock $100 off the fare.

An e-check is an electronic debit to your checking account, and it’s billed as a quick, convenient way to pay for your vacation that is “as easy as providing your credit card number,” according to Viking.

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But like any smart traveler, Moskal wasn’t content with that explanation. “I see that the cruise lines advocate consumer savings if you pay by e-check,” she says. But she also found several complaints online, which made her, hesitate. She wondered: Are e-checks safe?

As airlines, hotels and cruise lines offer new ways to pay for their products, Moskal’s question resonates across the entire travel industry. On several airlines, including American, Southwest and United, you can book a ticket through PayPal. Virgin Galactic made a splash late last year when it announced that it would accept Bitcoin for its spaceflights. One hostel in San Francisco, the Pacific Tradewinds, famously offers a 30 percent discount to guests who pay with the digital currency.

Newport International Group Corporate Travel

While Viking River’s e-check option isn’t new — it’s been available since 2008 — the concerns raised by Moskal and others are. It turns out that there are several important differences between paying by e-check and paying by credit card. And given the popularity of new electronic payment choices, it’s a good time to understand how they work.

Americans made 22.1 billion electronic payments using options such as e-checks in 2012, the most recent year for which numbers are available, according to a recent Federal Reserve study. The number of transactions grew at an annual rate of 5.1 percent from 2009 to 2012, the Fed reports. By comparison, consumers conducted 26.2 billion credit card transactions in 2012, and those numbers grew at a somewhat faster 7.6 percent annual rate.

The benefits to companies are obvious: They avoid paying any fees associated with credit cards and they receive the customer’s money right away, deposited directly into their merchant bank. But consumers have an advantage, too, at least according to companies like Viking.

“Guests who pay via e-check receive a discount of two percent, which reflects a savings that Viking passes on to the guest by not having to pay a fee to a credit card company,” says Viking spokesman Ian Jeffries. He says that the company also recommends payment via e-check as an alternative to a credit card so that you can avoid any interest rates or fees that some credit card companies may charge.

Viking is hardly alone. One recent study found that a quarter of airlines worldwide offer some form of alternative electronic payment option. As companies try to escape the high merchant fees charged by credit cards, these payment choices are bound to become more common in the near future.

“Conventionally, the discounted pay-by-e-check transactions are processed through the traveler’s bank, given the customer’s bank routing numbers and checking or savings account numbers,” says Oliver McGee, a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of transportation for technology policy and a professor at Howard University.

E-checks come in two basic flavors: Check21 electronic payment processing, which is more flexible but also more expensive, and the more restricted ACH wire deposit payments, which are commonly used for handling direct deposits for employees and for paying bills.

As a practical matter, setting up an e-check involves giving the travel company basic bank information, typically gained through the bank’s routing numbers, as well as your account number, and authorizing the transaction.

But you also sacrifice something when you’re paying with an e-check. As with paper checks, once the money is deposited into the company’s account, your ability to reverse the charges is limited. Your right to dispute an e-check travel purchase is governed by the ACH or Check21 terms and conditions as well as the electronic fraud protection conditions of your financial institution.

By comparison, a credit card purchase is protected by federal law under the Fair Credit Billing Act, which, among other things, lets you dispute charges for products you didn’t accept or that weren’t delivered as agreed, and which can quickly fix a billing error.

“You have more leeway to dispute a purchase made with a credit card,” says David Bakke, who edits the personal finance Web site Money Crashers (www.moneycrashers.com).

If an e-check booking goes wrong — say, for example, that your cruise line files for bankruptcy protection and you want a refund — you may lose your money. Bakke says that e-checks can be reversed in only three cases: if you didn’t authorize the purchase, if the e-check was processed on a date earlier than authorized or if the amount of the processed transaction is different from what was authorized. Otherwise, the money is as good as gone.

While complaints about e-checks are rare, grievances with companies over wired money appear to be increasingly common. Not a week seems to go by that someone doesn’t ask me to help retrieve money that had been wired to a company or an individual. These transactions are difficult, if not impossible, to undo. Generally, if you’re dealing with a small local company or an individual, you can kiss the cash goodbye.

After I explained the differences in payment methods to Moskal, she consulted her travel agent, who booked her on the Viking riverboat cruise to Russia this fall. “She never raised the question of paying by anything other than credit card,” says Moskal.

Лучшие разделы за счет серого квадрата смотрятся однообразно

Sergey Stukov 14 years ago updated by r_wilco 14 years ago 1
Нужно оснастить их соответствующими изображениями

Shoulder Impingement Surgery Cost by Dr Howard Marans

Queran Hunt 9 years ago 0

Prior to shoulder impingement surgery, other treatments may be used to reduce symptoms while alleviating pain. The costs of these non-surgical methods will slowly add up over a period of time, which will continue to raise the total of the overall medical expenses.

  • Rest may seem like a free approach to a non-surgical treatment option. However, if the patient is required to spend time resting. Work and other routine activities may have to be delayed or eliminated which can result in loss of wages.
  • Use of braces may help ease the pain while resting the arm and shoulder to promote healing. The brace is usually under $100. The cost is relatively low for the actually brace. However, limiting the range of motion can decrease activity which may result in having to take time off work.
  • Physical therapy sessions may be required. Depending on the severity of the shoulder injury, physical therapy may last weeks. The sessions can help reduce the progression of symptoms through a variety of exercises. Prior to beginning physical therapy, the patient may be required to have an ultrasound to verify the damaged area. The ultrasound and physical therapy session can be costly.
  • Over the counter and prescription drugs may be used to reduce inflammation and pain. In the beginning, the pain relievers may be a low cost option. Over time the costs will continue add up.
  • Cortisone or other type of steroid injection may help in reducing the symptoms of the shoulder impingement. The injection can reduce the inflammation and irritation, which may feel like a quick fix.

AI in Recruitment: Decoding the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Hiring Top Talent

Ascend Hiring 2 months ago 0

Recruitment is a complex process that extends beyond evaluating experience and credentials. It requires understanding of subtle behavioral cues, assessing personality traits, and determining how well candidates align with job requirements.

A human-based approach poses challenges for hiring and could delay the hiring process. This delay can span up to months because of a long list of interested candidates you need to interview to filter the right ones in the initial rounds. Thus, it is better to use an AI tool for recruitment that can screen out the best lot of potential candidates that are suitable for the job.

Modern AI recruitment tools solutions are transforming traditional hiring practices from initial candidate sourcing through final selection. These technological advancements offer precision, speed, and resource efficiency for decision-making in the recruitment process.

The Current Scenario: AI in Recruitment

With the evolution of artificial intelligence, HR teams and the processes around them are redesigning at a great pace. It is very clear that AI isn't designed to replace human recruiters but to enhance their capabilities and productivity at the same time. At the same time, the interface of AI in recruitment comes up with manages routine tasks, boosts efficiency, and improves hiring outcomes to manage high-volume hiring campaigns or selective recruitment initiatives. These solutions excel at analyzing job board data from platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor by utilizing natural language processing to evaluate resumes and conducting pre-interview assessments to find the right candidate.

Key Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

Today, AI systems hold various capabilities that can help recruiters work with efficiency. For example, Gen AI systems can be trained to create precise matches between candidate attributes and job requirements. Additionally, AI-powered solutions handle interview scheduling, respond to candidate inquiries, and maintain engagement throughout recruitment. Here are some key benefits Gen AI holds in recruitment processes.

1. Fast Hiring Process

AI has transfigured recruitment timelines by automating traditionally time-consuming tasks in the current fast-paced business environment. Now, you can eliminate hundreds of man-hours to a few minutes with intelligent automation.

Recruiters report remarkable success in automating candidate sourcing and screening processes by allowing teams to focus on strategic decision-making rather than administrative tasks. This acceleration is about maintaining quality while increasing efficiency.

AI systems can process thousands of applications simultaneously by identifying qualified candidates based on comprehensive criteria. Moreover, this rapid processing capability helps organizations to respond quickly to market demands, reduce time-to-hire metrics, and secure top talent before competitors. The technology adapts to changing requirements and learns from each hiring cycle to improve efficiency.

2. Cost Optimization

Implementing artificial intelligence backed tools in recruitment delivers substantial financial benefits across multiple dimensions. Beyond the obvious savings in man-hours, organizations see reduced expenses in job posting costs through more targeted advertising strategies. The technology's precision in candidate selection significantly minimizes the costly impact of mis-hires, which can amount to 27 times a position's compensation.

AI recruitment tools optimize resource allocation by automating routine tasks, allowing recruitment teams to focus on high-value activities. The technology's ability to process large volumes of applications quickly reduces the need for extended hiring periods and multiple job postings. Additionally, improved candidate matching leads to better retention rates, further reducing long-term recruitment costs and training expenses.

3. Enhanced Quality of Hire

AI-powered tools elevate hiring quality by introducing sophisticated candidate evaluation methods. The system begins by generating optimized job descriptions that attract the right talent pool. Through programmatic job advertising, positions are targeted to candidates who match specific skills, experience, and behavioral requirements. AI's natural language processing capabilities enable rapid, accurate resume screening, ensuring consistent evaluation criteria across all applications.

The implementation of technology goes beyond keyword matching to understand context and relevance, assessing candidates' potential fit for roles more comprehensively. This approach leads to better hiring decisions by considering multiple factors simultaneously. It ranges from technical skills to cultural fit resulting in successful placements and reduced turnover rates.

4. Getting the Right Candidate Evaluation

Modern AI recruitment tools excel at recognizing qualified candidates who might be overlooked by traditional screening methods. AI evaluates complete resumes holistically by ensuring qualified candidates aren't missed due to non-optimal keyword usage while many job seekers optimize their resumes with specific keywords. Further, the technology analyzes various aspects of a candidate's profile including work experience patterns, skill progression, and project achievements.

This evaluation helps uncover high-potential candidates who might not perfectly match conventional criteria to possess valuable transferable skills. AI systems can assess subtle indicators of success potential to analyze factors like career progression speed, leadership experiences, and adaptability to new challenges.

5. Reduced Hiring Bias

AI significantly improves recruitment fairness by minimizing unconscious human biases in the hiring process. Further, AI focuses purely on qualifications, skills, and experience rather than demographic factors that might influence human decision-making. By implementing standardized evaluation criteria, AI ensures each candidate receives equal consideration based on merit. The system's objective analysis helps organizations build more diverse and inclusive teams by eliminating prejudices that might affect traditional hiring processes.

This technology-driven approach promotes equal opportunities and helps organizations access a broader talent pool, leading to more innovative and high-performing teams. The systematic nature of AI assessment provides consistent evaluation standards throughout the hiring process.

6. Improved Candidate Experience

Candidate experience significantly influences hiring success in the job market. AI enhances this crucial aspect through automated scheduled interviews that provide immediate responses to candidate queries.

Research shows that 58% of candidates decline offers due to poor recruitment experience which makes this technological intervention particularly valuable.

However, AI recruitment tools maintain consistent engagement throughout the application process by providing regular updates and feedback.

The technology ensures no candidate falls through the cracks and maintains professional communication at every stage. Thereby, it creates a more responsive and candidate-friendly recruitment process.

7. Improved Recruiter Experience

AI transforms the daily work experience of recruitment professionals by automating routine tasks and streamlining workflows. It empowers recruiting teams to focus on strategic aspects of talent acquisition from automated interview scheduling to reduced administrative paperwork. The technology handles time-consuming tasks like initial screening and candidate communication by allowing recruiters to concentrate on building relationships and making crucial hiring decisions.

This tech-powered support reduces stress and burnout among recruitment teams while improving job satisfaction. The reduction in manual tasks also minimizes human error risks and increases overall productivity. Furthermore, AI provides recruiters with data-driven insights for better decision-making, making their role more strategic and impactful.

Ascend Recruitment Processes with Ascend Hiring Solutions

The integration of AI has reshaped hiring processes, streamlining operations at every stage of the hiring journey. This tech-powered approach not only reduces manual workload but also enhances the quality and efficiency of the entire process.

Advanced AI-powered platforms like Ascend Hiring empower hiring managers to focus on strategic decision-making by automating routine screening tasks. This shift from administrative duties to high-value activities maximizes productivity and improves hiring outcomes.

Beyond operational efficiency, AI recruitment solutions deliver multiple benefits: they help minimize unconscious bias, accelerate hiring timelines, and create superior candidate experiences. Organizations leveraging these tools gain a competitive edge in attracting and securing top talent while maintaining objectivity throughout their recruitment process.

The transformation brings both immediate and long-term advantages: reduced time-to-hire, improved candidate quality, enhanced diversity, and a more strategic approach to talent acquisition.

As AI technology continues to evolve, its role in recruitment becomes increasingly central to building effective, scalable hiring practices.


Streamlining Your Sales Process with Bridge Suite CRM

Bridge Suite 3 months ago 0

Every business takes time to set up new alternatives for improving performance at par. Similarly, launching a new sales performance improvement initiative is a significant task that requires careful planning and risk management. Many businesses underestimate the impact of changes in sales processes, methods, rewards, training, or enablement tools on the successful use of customer relationship management applications. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the potential impact of these changes.

Combining your sales-related operations into a centralized CRM system can improve workflow, increase efficiency, and enhance customer relationships for better results. To know in deep, it is important to understand the essence of streamlining the sales management process.

The Essence of Streamlined Sales Management

A well-organized sales process can significantly enhance a team's performance and drive business growth. It allows sales representatives to focus on high-value activities, such as building relationships with prospects and clients, conducting in-depth research on potential customers, crafting personalized pitches and proposals, strategizing on complex deals, and pursuing new business opportunities.

This automation frees up valuable time for sales representatives to engage in activities that directly impact revenue, such as building relationships with prospects and clients, conducting in-depth research on potential customers, crafting personalized pitches and proposals, strategizing on complex deals, and pursuing new business opportunities.

Navigating To Streamlined Sales Processes with Bridge Suite

The key to increasing sales in any sector is always precise sales management practices. A strong sales manager who can motivate and guide a sales team is the first step in this process.

A sales management system not only helps your business meet the targets created for sales but also keeps you up to date with developments in your sector. It could spell the difference between surviving and thriving in a cutthroat industry.

Bridge Suite CRM is a complete CRM solution designed to optimize the sales process, from lead generation to deal closure, addressing the unique challenges faced by modern sales teams. As a cloud-based CRM system, it offers a centralized approach to customer and prospect information management, providing a unified database for up-to-date contact details, interaction history, and notes. Its intuitive pipeline view helps identify bottlenecks and prioritize efforts for maximum impact. The CRM also offers task automation, allowing teams to set up workflows to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up time for building relationships and closing deals.

With ye addition of customizable reporting tools track KPIs and provide actionable insights into the sales process. The CRM is mobile accessible, ensuring team productivity on the go, making it a valuable tool for businesses in today's mobile-first world.

Overall, Bridge Suite CRM provides a comprehensive solution for sales teams to streamline their processes and maximize their impact.

Implementation and Adoption for Successful CRM Process

Bridge Suite CRM sets as a powerful tool for sales teams, offering a range of features that can be tailored to suit specific sales processes. However, its true value lies in its successful implementation and adoption. Customization is crucial, as it mirrors the unique sales process, using familiar terminology and workflows. This alignment makes the transition smoother and increases user adoption.

Investing in complete training is essential, as it focuses on how Bridge Suite CRM can solve specific challenges faced by the team. Real-world scenarios are used in training sessions to demonstrate practical applications. Designating "admin users" to provide ongoing support and champion the system is also recommended.

In this arc, leadership is crucial in adoption, as it sets a powerful example and integrates the CRM into daily operations, team meetings, and performance reviews. Regular review and optimization are essential for long-term success, using analytics to identify areas for improvement in the sales process. Also, Feedback from the team on what's working well and what should be enhanced is important, and adjustments can be made, such as tweaking workflows, adding custom fields, or refining reports.

Cut-Off Your Sales Cycle with Bridge Suite CRM

Gartner Group reports that companies spend nearly $20 billion annually on CRM, yet the adoption rate is less than 50%. Other studies show adoption rates as low as 26%. This means that $9 billion is wasted on CRM solutions due to underutilization and associated costs. Despite higher spending, the adoption rate remains a challenge for sales organizations.

The complete CRM and sales software can be a game-changer, embracing a more efficient, data-driven approach to sales that can propel your business to new heights. Bridge Suite CRM is a powerful tool designed to optimize sales operations, improve team productivity, and drive business growth. It centralizes customer data, automates routine tasks, and provides valuable insights, allowing sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Whether a small business is scaling or an enterprise aims to increase efficiency, Bridge Suite CRM has features and flexibility to meet your needs.


bidencash invite code

Kelvin Walker 8 months ago 0

Since Joker’s Stash’s official closure on February 15, 2021,bidencash invite code various card businesses have competed for the title of “top card shop,” with Telegram-based shops gaining market share from more traditional web-based shops. bidencash invite code  is required during the sign up precess currently a mid- to upper-tier card store in terms of volume and popularity among threat actors.   bidencash invite code The company has progressively increased the volume of cards sold through its platform during 2022, and bidencash invite code the free credit card giveaway is likely a bid to improve its popularity in a still-malleable industry.bidencash invite code

BidenCash debuted on April 27, 2022, shortly after Russian police seized a number of illicit card stores, including Forum, Trump Dumps, and UniCC, as well as the carding forum Sky-Fraud and the Remote Desktop Protocol access shop. bidencash invite code