RTL Support for Arabic

izada 5 years ago 0

South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: Tips om at holde det optimale helbred for dine kæledyr

Ona Nolen 7 years ago 0

Tilføjer yndig og pålidelig pets nemlig en medlem i den slægt vil altid være en stor kendelse nemlig højst households. Du vil have en ledsager og en kilde til glæde på samme tid. Men som ejer af disse dejlige væsener, skal du også garantere en sund tilstand af både krop og sind af dine kæledyr, og du bør sørge for, at deres lykke gauge er altid fuld.

Nemlig en sammenstille at sørger for længe ø ' allerbedst Pet omhu, South Bellmore Veterinary Group sammenstille ville ligeledes lige jer hen til tage sig af jeres pets hen til den allerbedst jeres evne. Jer skal sikre sig den bedst helbred og levetid nemlig jeres katte eller hunde og hermed, den Sammenstille foreslår gav sig sunde nærende og undgår unødvendig engagementer hen til særlig typer i vaccines, heartworm, og loppe og krydse af præventiv. Du skal så godt undgå kemikalier, som kan omfatte gødning, pesticider, og herbicider.

Sammen med Smart rådgiver om et par eksperter, South Bellmore Veterinary Group udarbejdet følgende for at hjælpe dig med at holde den bedste tilstand af dine kæledyr.

Frisk kost

Youd ' sikkert kende omkring indeværende men huske hen til indrømme en nylavet kost hen til jeres pets ofte. Du kan fodre dem en bred vifte af hele, friske og ernæringsmæssigt tæt fødevarer. Den bedste kost altid omfatter korrekt tilberedt og afbalanceret rå fødevarer diæter, som kan bestå af friske, frysetørret eller dehydreret fødevarer. South Bellmore Veterinary Group foreslår også en kost, der omfatter hjemmelavet, kogte kost samt Premium korn-fri og glutenfri kommercielle fødevarer.


Ud over at sikre den bedste sundhed for dine kæledyr, omfatter gode kosttilskud på deres kost samt. Det er vigtigt at indtag ordentlig mængde af fedtsyrer såsom Omega 3 og omega 6 og andre vitamin/mineralblanding ofte, sammen med prebiotiske og probiotika. Hvis du har katte i dit hjem, ved, at de har brug for mere taurin og ikke for meget jod, i modsætning til hunde.

Både mennesker og dyr producerer cellulære, skadelige frie radikaler hver dag, og supplerer anført ovenfor kan bidrage til at mindske det, da de giver afgørende antioxidant effekter. At tage en god mængde af sådanne kosttilskud kan minimere risikoen for kronisk væv og cellulære stress, infektioner, og endda kræftformer.

Korrekt vaccination

Lave ikke slut-vaccinate pets per den advis i South Bellmore Veterinary Group Sammenstille, og sig burde nyde passende tidtagning hen til lave kerne vaccinations. Den er nok så betydelig nemlig jeres yndig pets hen til nyde begyndende dukke og killing vaccines nemlig kerne sygdom hen til sikre sig de ' ordentligt sikret helt gennem deres lever. Indeværende særlig skulle ikke ske henne ved en nok så snarlig scene lige i nærværelse af seks ugens og ikke indtil 8,5 til 10 ugens nemlig den anledning at den dukke eller killing ' rester mødre immunitet vil allersnarest neutralisere den vaccines.

Der var skadelige virkninger på andre vacciner såsom dræbte vacciner, da dette kan have nogle komponenter og konserveringsmidler som kviksølv, Foster kalv serum, og tilsætningsstoffer. Du bør også afhænge af eksponeringsrisiko niveauet for det sted, du bor i, og din samlede livsstil til beslutningen om at få andre ikke-kerne vacciner til dine kæledyr. Må ikke få let svajede af et par nyheder og medier hype. Rabies vacciner, på den anden side, er vitale og dit kæledyr bør tage det så tidligt som 12 uger eller så sent som 24 uger som sagt af loven.

Selv om jeres dukke eller killing fik blevet sandelig immuniseret, så er der ikke mere helårlig opreklameret vaccines var ikke at nødvendig hen til undgå har slut-vaccinated pets. For at afgøre den bringe i niveau i jeres pets ' immunitet, den er adviserede hen til skabe sig holde serum antistof vaccine titers igennem en blod hæve.

Energisk sind

Dit kæledyr bør også have et aktivt sind, da fysiske aktiviteter og mental stimulation er både essentielle for mennesker og dyr. Tilføj altid et par opgaver, ros og en grundlæggende uddannelse, hver gang du laver en regelmæssig motion eller spilletid med dine kæledyr. Med vores nuværende travle verden og samfund, er det forståeligt, at du ikke vil bruge en masse tid med dine kæledyr, så når du forlader dem alene derhjemme, forlader tv åbne eller lave en spilleliste med god musik for dem. Du har stadig i weekenden til at indhente din tabte tid, så sørg for at gøre aktiviteter sammen.

Holistisk tilgang

Du bør gå med naturlige tilgange og produkter, og undgå kemikalier. Du skal også gøre nogle forskning for at bestemme de mest naturlige og sikreste muligheder for dine kæledyr. South Bellmore Veterinary Group anbefaler kraftigt en integrativ og holistisk tilgang, når det kommer til at sikre den bedste medicinsk behandling og sundhed for dine elskede dyr. Som en af de troværdige dyrlæger i Long Island, foreslår Gruppen at søge den professionelle service af en dyrlæge for yderligere at sikre den bedste tilstand af dit kæledyr.


Cyber Security: Protecting Seniors Online from Scams, Hacks and Tax Fraud

Yair Wood 8 years ago 0

The vast majority of seniors today are using the Internet at least once a week to check email, pay bills online and keep in touch via social media. But all that time online puts them at risk for scams and hacks, such as tax fraud.

In fact, a new survey by Home Instead, Inc., franchisor of the Home Instead Senior Care network, found that 67 percent of surveyed older adults have been the victim of an online scam or hack.

Encouraging seniors to practice cyber security can go a long way toward protecting their identity and sensitive financial information. Home Instead collaborated with the National Cyber Security Alliance to create Protect Seniors Online, available at www.ProtectSeniorsOnline.com, a free resource that educates older adults about cybersecurity. Here, seniors can test their cybersecurity skills with the "Can You Spot an Online Scam?" quiz.

Older adults can take the following steps now to protect themselves online:

  • Password protect and secure devices, accounts. Lock all devices (including computers, tablets and smartphones) with secure passwords in case devices are lost or stolen.
  • Think before clicking. When faced with an urgent request -- like emails asking for money -- think before clicking or get a second opinion. Clicking on links is often how scammers get personal information. When in doubt, trash an unusual message.
  • Share with care. More than half (51 percent) of seniors surveyed by Home Instead use social media to stay connected. Use care when sharing personal information, adjust privacy settings to limit who can see your information, and turn off location sharing.
  • Use security software. Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software and program it to run regularly. And be wary of pop-up ads or emails, many of which contain malware that can infect computers.
  • Log out. Log out of apps and websites when you are finished. Leaving apps and websites open on computer screens could make you vulnerable to security and privacy risks.
  • Recommend support. Older adults who live alone may need help from a trusted source -- such as a family member, tech-savvy friend or professional caregiver --to serve as a second set of eyes.

Southbourne Positive Living Group: 15 Tips for Being More Positive

Yair Wood 8 years ago 0

Image 9

Positivity is choosing to see the bright side of life. It is recognizing that struggle and pain are not all that’s there, even if they’re all we can see in a certain moment. It is seeing the good in people, even when we have to search (really, really hard) for it. And it is about trusting ourselves. I guess it all comes down to this: even with pain, sorrow, and evil, there is always good, and that, friends, is what we should focus our energy on.

On the contrary, negativity is about finding fault and worry in people and situations. It’s about focusing on the one thing that went wrong when a zillion others went right. And it’s about belittling people without attempting to see who they are. But what if our lives aren’t perfect? Should we pretend like our struggles don’t exist? No way Jose! I used to think that if I shared my hardships, people would think I was being negative. Then I realized that holding in all the bad stuff made me feel even worse. Instead of feeling free and optimistic, I felt trapped.


Rather, it’s about choosing to see the good in life, believing in the power of encouragement, and having hope that things will get better (even when they really, really suck).

Now to the good stuff. No matter where you’re at with choosing positivity, here are some tips for adding some optimism to your life, even when the world craps all over you.

1. Listen to music that gives off the same mood you want to be in. Consider both the tone and type of music and also whether it brings back positive memories from the past. Music is indescribably powerful and using its voodoo magic to brighten up my day has always helped me immensely.

2. Eat healthy. Recently, I’ve been eating healthier and drinking a lot of smoothies packed with nutrients and veggies. I can’t think of anything else to describe my recent mood besides blissful. It is honestly almost odd. I just feel really great each and every day.

15 Tips for Being Positive [via The Nectar Collective]

3. Make a sunshine file or box. Often times, when people send me kind messages or letters, I save them as a screenshot, either in a file on my computer or in a box in my house. Besides the fact that I’m a hoarder collector, these messages are dear to me during times when I’m struggling or feel like I don’t matter to the world (we’ve all been there, right?).

4. Surround yourself with positive influences. Find people who believe in you and your dreams. Seek out others who make your spirit feel full and lifted. The other people who bring you down? Decide for yourself if they really have a place in your life. If they don’t, have the courage to move on. For the record, anyone who makes you feel like crap about yourself does not have a place in your life.

5. Practice positivity. By this, I’m talking about actively weaving positive activities into your life to little by little, change your mindset. Just the way a photographer eventually starts seeing the world in pictures, there are things we can all do to eventually see the world in a positive light.

6. Set goals. Having goals to work towards can make us more positive. When we feel stagnant and unconfident, it’s a lot easier to see the bad parts of life. Start small, and remind yourself of all the great things you can accomplish. We love goals here at TNC and, have quite an archive of posts on goal-setting, if you’re interested.

7. Challenge negative thoughts with positive ones. Negative thoughts are the very foundation of negativity and they can seem hard to avoid or erase. But negativity is all about mindset and mindset is all about creating habits. Whenever you think something negative, try to search for the bright side of the situation. Eventually it will feel like second nature. Also, this article is a wonderful resource for getting started and for understanding what positivity is in general.

8. Smile. Simple enough, right? There are actually studies that have proven that just cheesin’ it up can make you happier and more optimistic.

9. Get a pet. I know this tip isn’t for everyone, but getting a dog recently has done wonders for my sense of purpose and happiness. It is amazing what taking care of another being can do for ourselves.

10. Share your issues. Letting your struggles bottle up inside is just a breakdown waiting to happen. If we share our hardships, we can receive encouragement from others that will help us re-focus on our strength, courage, and perseverance. This can be in a variety of ways, from calling a friend to writing a heart-felt blog post.

11. Make your home a positive place to be. I mean, who feels inspired by hospital colored walls and a dirty kitchen? Try adding quotes that inspire you or little pick-me-up messages around your house. Coming home to a house that welcomes me with inspiration is like walking into the arms of a friend who squeezes you tight and reminds you how special you truly are. In case you’re up for a DIY challenge, you might like this positivity garland I made last month. It’s currently adorning my walls and reminds me of the nectar of life each time I see it.

15 Tips for Being Positive [via The Nectar Collective]

12. Ask yourself – does this really matter? Usually when I find myself being negative, it’s over trivial things that won’t stand a chance in my long-term memory. So why do I let them get to me in the moment? Beats me! When my problems are trivial, I do my best to remind myself that they’re not important. And then I move on.

13. Encourage others. Studies have proven that a lot of our happiness comes from making other people happy (but did you really need a study to tell you that?). If we build positive relationships and motivate other people, we feel good about ourselves, which builds confidence and leads to a positive perspective. Not to mention, it makes other people feel like the unique, special beings they are. Talk about a win-win!

(Related: 5 Ways to Look and Feel More Confident)

14. Focus on the problems in your life. Well, kind of. What I really mean is that in order to be truly positive, we need to shed our negative skin instead of suppressing it. Sometimes, it’s best to recognize the negativity pervading our life, admit it, and then decide that it no longer has a place in our lives. Often, recognizing the problem is a vital part of the solution.

15. Remember, it’s all you. I recently quit a job that brought out the absolute worst in me. I was depressed, negative, and kept telling myself, this isn’t you. I don’t really know who I thought it was, because it was most certainly me being rude and angry. It was later that I realized, it’s all me — the good and the bad. But that doesn’t mean it has to be all me, all the time. I still have a choice whether I want to choose positivity or negativity, kindness or anger. I always have a choice. And guess what? So do you.

Southbourne Positive Living Group (SPLG) meets on the last Wednesday of the month (excluding holidays).

Join a group of like-minded people and rediscover the purpose and meaning of your life.


Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review: The Good Effects of a Proper Exhaust Control

Elliott Haynes 8 years ago 0

"Pollution is also a weapon of mass destruction." Most people believe in this while others continue to pretend that pollution is not a problem to mankind. But a lot of major cities today always experience a smoky environment due to a lot of cars and other types of vehicles emitting exhaust fumes into the atmosphere.

Pollution could also cause harm to our health and each of us is vulnerable to its effects. But, you can still minimize the effects of exhaust fumes with a proper exhaust control.

A good exhaust control has good effects that are helpful to the environment as well as to the car owners. This particular approach can first, reduce noise levels. Proper design and installation of an exhaust pipe system can minimize noise pollution where you can ask the help of a professional car service provider like Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group to do this specific task for you. A broken exhaust pipe could also lead to increased noise levels, so in case you're facing such concern, contact a car service provider immediately.

A proper exhaust control also means that direct exhaust is away from the passengers since exhausts were designed at the tail end of a car, or raised high up to support the escape of exhaust fumes into the atmosphere. To assure a more stress-free ride, let a car service provider such as Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group check if there’s any clogging or leaks in your car.

A good exhaust control also results in better engine performance. In case you notice a reduced power and performance in your car, then it could be due to a defective exhaust pipe since it decreases the engine's ability to maximize its burning capability. Inefficient disposal of the waste gases from the combustion process could also lead to a large percentage of lost in an engine's power.

A proper exhaust control can lastly, make fuel consumption more effective since increasing the effectiveness of fuel consumption depends on proper burning. Furthermore, a decreased car mileage is due to a defective exhaust system; and having a faulty exhaust pipe system could pollute the environment as well as burn your money.

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group strives to always give excellent car service to their customers to help them take care of their cars as well as the environment. The company believes in the importance of being responsible for controlling the quantity and quality of exhaust fumes, and seeing significant value in the good effects of a proper exhaust control.


South Bellmore Veterinary Group General & Orthopedic Surgery

Ona Nolen 8 years ago 0

Our surgical suite is second to none. Most surgeries are performed by our experienced veterinary surgeons. Abdominal and thoracic surgery, eye surgery, perianal surgery, total ear canal ablations, and a full compliment of orthopedic procedures such as fracture repair and cranial cruciate repair are just a few examples of what we do.

While under anesthesia our patients are monitored with top of the line anesthetic monitoring equipment including pulse oximetry, blood pressure analyzers, EKG and temperature probes. Our patients are recovered under the watchful eye of our trained technical staff.


Mercury Capital Advisors: Digital Wealth Management - Robo Advise is not just for Millennials any more

pertkurt7 8 years ago 0

Lured by the presence of lower commissions and the absence of sometimes awkward sales pressure, investors of all stripes appear eager to embark on relationships with robo-advisors.

But fear not. That doesn’t mean investors will “unfriend” their professional financial advisors. Most still want the option of talking to a trusted financial confidante. For investment firms, the challenge is how best to combine digital, low-cost investment advisory services with the traditional approach.

It’s becoming clear that no single formula exists for how—and at what cost—traditional wealth managers should mix a digital experience into their designed client journey. Several brokerages have developed proprietary robo-advisory platforms in-house. Others have been acquiring existing robo-technology to build out their service, offering it as a white-label solution. Indeed, the sector has not lacked for deal-making activity as industry players hunt for the kind of technology they need to bag premium-paying procurers.

In February, for instance, Mercury Capital launched a pilot program in collaboration with Emotomy, leveraging the latter’s digital advice platform. That engagement is the latest of many industry marriages, which have also included RBC Wealth Management’s alliance with FutureAdvisor and Pershing’s partnership with Marstone, both of which are aimed at producing technology platforms for advisors. The commotion is not likely to stop there, as more and more incumbents sense the potential for automated advice-givers. The market can expect to see other asset management firms, as well as wealth advisors, find ways to get in on the robo-activity. Over the long term, such partnerships may expand to combine personal relationships and digital experiences customized for each client segment. While digital platforms will need time to scale, :

Robo-advisors have broad appeal. Such partnerships indicate that the emerging hybrid model is aimed squarely at addressing a demographic beyond millennials. Even high net-worth clients, whose complex needs typically require human intervention, will want the option of

interacting with a digital wealth experience that guides them on their route from prospect to client. The dreaded baby boomer cohort isn’t retreating at the sight of the millennials. In fact, as members of the older generation succumb to retirement, their needs will grow more complex.

Millennials will serve as early adopters.The next generation of investors has been quick to embrace new technologies and experiences, and this should apply to robo-advisors. Furthermore, millennials have a general mistrust of large financial institutions, particularly in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008. Unlike their parents, who forged close relationships with advisors—even using their phones to have conversations with them, as primitive as that sounds—millennials are equally comfortable with making digital connections. They’ve been conditioned to accept that technology can match the performance of its human predecessors, while offering reduced fees and providing greater convenience.

Robo-advisors will gain popularity across all client segments. As machine-learning algorithms continue to develop and produce an investment record, consumers are likely to use these services more and more to complement their existing investment methods. As millennials mature—and their assets increase—they could very well tilt the balance toward more automation, which would be augmented at higher asset levels with a personal relationship.

Typical to any disruptive innovation in financial services, the first to market addresses the underserved. Robo-advisors like Betterment, Wealthfront, and Personal Capital did just that. But automated digital advice has clearly attracted the attention of incumbents. Established players are deploying a quick follow strategy through acquisitions and creating “me too” experiences that emulate disruptors. Scale and distribution matter, and the quick followers don’t need to get it perfect. What’s next? Differentiation. The leaders will need to design a unique digital experience integrated into the fabric of how they serve their clients that combines personal relationships with a digital experience.


Los Angeles MK News

R3ulxd814V7F 8 years ago 0

Regarding the end to Shanghai MK’s cooperative partnership

We regret to inform you that due to problems including with license renewals, Shanghai MK’s partnership with Hertz China will be terminated at the end of this year.

Hertz-MK will continue operations as one section within Hertz.

Therefore, any reservations beginning January of next year will be handled by Hertz China.

Thank you very much for your patronage to MK hire service over the years.

We kindly ask that you utilize Hertz China for your reservations in the future.


One of Japan’s most appointed taxi groups is now raising the standards of car service in Southern California! MK Group has been providing Japan’s major cities with esteemed driving for over 50 years, earning high acclaim and demand as one of the most courteous companies in the country today. Now as the first car service to branch abroad, Los Angeles MK invites you to experience the convenience and economics of taxies with the high quality of limousines―an affordable yet uncompromised transportation experience unlike any other!


Los Angeles is an incredible site not only for vacation and tourism, but also for business and venture. We ensure that every visitor experiences Los Angeles and the rest of Southern California in the most suitable way. We accommodate all types of travel near and far, whether you are going from the airport to your home or hotel, exploring local hot spots and tourist sites, shopping and dining, or attending events, conventions, and meetings on business.

We travel beyond our Los Angeles headquarters, through local districts such as Orange County, San Bernadino, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura County, and Santa Barbara, all the way to more remote destinations such as San Francisco, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Phoenix, Arizona. We service you with a broad range of clean vehicles as to better adjust to your needs. For those that are visiting California for the first time or are traveling from outside the United States, our highly skilled staff will assist you thoroughly and safely.


Mercury Capital Advisory

Faith Watson 8 years ago 0



  • Comprehensive review of general partner’s portfolio and strategy
  • Guidance on the development of key marketing and investor due diligence materials for a given fund product
  • In-depth fund performance analysis
  • Advice regarding market conventions, including fund structure, terms and other investor conditions
  • Presentation assessment and coaching
  • Investor follow-up strategy

Regulatory Reach by Mercury Capital Advisors

goergehampton16 8 years ago 0



Mercury Capital Advisors, LLC Member FINRA and SIPC

Mercury Capital Access, LLC Member NFA

225 Liberty Street, 36th Floor

New York, NY 10281


Mercury Capital Advisors, LLP – Dubai Branch Authorized

and Licensed by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)

Office 09 Gate Village

Building 4 Level 3

Dubai International Financial Centre

PO Box 113355

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Mercury Capital Advisors Asia, LLC Registered with the JFSA Kanto Local Finance Bureau in Japan as a Financial Instruments Business Operator Engaging in Type II Financial Instruments Business

Yurakucho Denki Building North Tower 12F

1-7-1, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006 Japan


Mercury Capital Advisors, LLP Authorized and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom

1 Knightsbridge Green

London SW1X 7QA

United Kingdom