Meir Ezra: Need Security?

Ursulina Lee 9 year бұрын 0

Meir Ezra - We need security for our money, our jobs and our assets. We want security for our families, our marriages and our friendships.

We want to be free from danger, attack or risk. We do not like fear, anxiety or doubt.

We want to feel safe.

Security is a big business in this world. For example, consider the billions spent on national security, Internet security, financial security, health insurance security and retirement security.

But what truly gives us security? Money? Expertise? Armed forces?

No, because wealthy people, experts and people with weapons feel just as insecure as everyone else.

The security we all want is the ability to determine our course in life. We just want to enjoy a safe, peaceful, prosperous future.

How can we get this kind of security?

"Self-confidence alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, if you are confident you will be safe in your home, you have security. If you are confident you will earn enough money for all of your expenses, you have financial security. If you are sure you will always be a valuable worker, you have job security.

So why do we feel insecure?

"INSECURITY EXISTS IN THE ABSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE." "All security derives from knowledge." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, if you had the knowledge that you would always have plenty of money for your needs, you would feel secure. If you had the knowledge of how to make your marriage go well, you would have a secure marriage.

KNOWING you will be okay is security.

So how do you reach this level of security?

By increasing your knowledge about work, business, finances, computers, marriage and, of course, successful living.


Phil notices one of his back teeth is loose for no reason he can imagine. He feels insecure about his teeth as he realizes he could lose all of his teeth. He decides he needs more knowledge about teeth.

He reads 15 articles about tooth loss. He now KNOWS tooth loss comes from cavities and gum disease. He finds a dentist and demands help.

The dentist is happy to see a knowledgeable patient and helps Phil save his teeth. Phil cleans his mouth three times a day, visits his dentist twice each year and never loses a single tooth.

Because of his knowledge, Phil has full security regarding his mouth. He KNOWS he will never need dentures.


1. Where do you need more security?

2. What do you need to KNOW about that area?

3. How can you get that knowledge?

4. Go get it!


Hiring Guru: Mossack Fonseca - International HR

Heart Array 9 year бұрын 0

As I am so accustomed to interviewing entrepreneurs, I was interested in the path of a Human Resources professional for such an international corporation with over 500 employees. So, I'm happy to present an interview with Katia Solano the Director of Human Resources for Mossack Fonseca & Co (MF).

Established in 1977, Mossack Fonseca is a leading global company which provides comprehensive legal, trust and accounting services.

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Katia's been at the company for more than 20 years. She's moved through many different positions, learning different skills along the way, from reception to filing and then as the personal assistant to one of the founders of the company.

"I worked with the founder when MF was a pretty small company; we were around 30 employees at that time. Later, I worked on accounts receivables and payables, and then I came to the human resources department."

Give me an overview of the work that is done in the human resources department.

"Human Resources is a company-wide department, so it has to do with the human resources policies for the entire MF group - the hiring process, candidate selection, training and development, performance evaluation, benefits and salaries, internal communications, leadership development, deployment, cascading goals, the company culture, and induction, amongst others. I work closely with the CEO and the management team. I deal with all the managers of the different offices around the world. I have a team of six employees."

To what degree do you keep your finger on the pulse of hiring?

"I meet at least once a week with the Recruitment and Selection Specialist - she reports directly to the Human Resources Coordinator - but I meet with her once a week because the recruitment process is a key process in any organization. However, I don't interview candidates unless we are going to hire someone for a key position, like for example a lawyer or a management team member - somebody of a high level - whether here in Panama or in any of the offices abroad. In Panama it is very difficult to hire good people because the labor market is so tight."

Katia, what do you do to recruit qualified employees, whether in Panama or abroad, when faced with a shortage of available talent?

"Well it is very helpful that we have a well-known, highly respected name here - so lawyers, in particular, want to work at MF; I'm always receiving resumes in my inbox or through LinkedIn. We usually advertise our positions online. Plus, we are involved with universities - we maintain close contact with them and they always refer people to us for internships. We do the same thing with high schools - we usually have maybe 15 interns that are about to graduate from high school, so they do their internships here - many times when they finish their degree programs they apply to work here. In addition, we try to be involved in all the job fairs."

Your internship program with students from high schools and universities sounds like a great way to evaluate talent.

"Definitely, because when they come to intern with us we really do make an effort to teach them as much as possible. I insist that all our managers make sure to give them as much training and experience as they can handle. There are many companies that simply have their interns do menial tasks; however, I insist that we don't do that with ours. At MF, the interns learn about the company, its mission, culture, and values, and usually they like it and they go back to school or university with a good impression. They share that information with their friends and we usually receive some resumes from other students of the same schools that want to do internships with us. Also, there are many professors who know that we really train their students and they refer candidates to us."

How important is it keep personally connected to the process of adding new personnel to the MF team?

"It is very important because our recruitment process is integral to the future of the company - so to me recruiting talented people is directly related to the strategy of the company because we offer our clients specialized services so we really need to have talented people to be able to provide our clients with excellent service. "

Do you have any hard-fast rules that are followed in your own selection of team members or those who will be working close to you?

"Selecting a new employee is kind of tricky because it is not only that you want to have the person with the perfect profile, but you need a combination of skills and attributes - you need somebody who has the capacity and desire to do the job they have applied for - somebody who has a clear vision of what they want in the short and long term - and they have to be a good fit with our company."

Do you have an anecdote or philosophy to share that comes to mind that would sum up your thoughts about hiring?

"To me, attitude is everything. You may have a good candidate with the perfect academic background and experience, but if the person does not really want to do the job they are applying for, then we are wasting our time. Usually I hire people with little to no experience and then we train them; they appreciate that and they tend to stay for a long time."

Katia's priorities and methodical approach align with Hiring Truth 1: Be diligent, not desperate from my book The Naked Interview: Hiring Without Regret. She is ensuring the candidates are carefully selected and that they are cared for with training to help them stick.

"Now, I know that millennials are different. I have millennials on my team and you have to know how to manage them to keep them interested and motivated. One way I do that is by assigning them various projects - you need to work differently with them."

"We keep them interested and motivated by offering them attractive benefits, continuous training and education - and the opportunity to move laterally (to work in a different department) and up - depending on the individual's skill set and our company needs. Another advantage of MF is our multicultural and international environment where they can work and interact with our colleagues and clients all over the world."

"Everything is different now. I mean the usual human resources process is different now because you cannot plan their careers anymore; they have their career already planned and they evaluate the company to see if the company meets or exceeds their expectations and in particular, what the company is going to give them, so everything has changed."

What is the best interview question you have ever used?

"I use a combination of questions. When you are going to interview a candidate, you have to be clear about what you or the manager needs, and of course, what the company needs. Sometimes you need to help the managers to identify what they need. When I am doing an interview I pay attention to everything and usually I write down everything they say, so I will ask questions like: How do you see yourself (as a professional) in two years? - What do you want to do? - Why? - What kind of company are you looking for? - What would be your ideal job? I ask about previous bosses and companies to get an idea of what type of boss and company culture they like - or dislike."

What has driven your personal success at Mossack Fonseca Group?

"I like to serve people. I am proud of being a member of MF and also of the human resources department. I feel that we support MF - its management and reputation. I tell my people every day that we are service providers. To me, it is critical to be willing to serve our internal and external customers, and to maintain the highest professional standards."


California's Best Surgeon for Severe Fractures by Dr Howard Marans MD

Princess Santos 9 year бұрын 0

Whether you are an athlete, or experienced an injury from a fall, fractures can have a serious impact on your quality of life. If you ever experience this kind of injury, you should have access to the best medical treatment. It is recommended to keep a contact list of doctors that you should go to for different types of situations, and the best surgeon for severe fractures you can possibly see in the Orange county area of California is Dr. Howard Marans.

Proper Treatment and Recovery

When dealing with an injury such as a fracture, it is important to do everything in the right way because it will determine the outcome of your recovery. A mistake by a surgeon can cause a loss in range of motion, your bones to heal in the wrong position, the death of muscle tissue, or permanent disability. These are just a few reasons why choosing the best surgeon for severe fractures is important. If you don’t have the best surgeons on call when a fracture first occurs, you may lose critical time in your recovery process.

A good surgeon will provide you with the right procedure to keep swelling down because we know the swelling can be more dangerous than the fracture itself. For example, when there is swelling around the fracture, a patient may experience a condition called compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome occurs when the swelling blocks off the blood supply to muscles around the fracture due to increased pressure. This reduced blood supply to the muscles causes the tissue to die, and leads to permanent disabilities in the future.

Reduce Complications

The nature of a fracture allows room for many different problems to occur. Having an inexperienced or uncaring doctor on your side will increase the chance for complications. This is why it is normally recommended by general practitioners, and people with experience, to only maintain a relationship with the best surgeon for severe fractures that you can find. A great fracture surgeon will know exactly what to do in order to avoid neurovascular injuries, infections, post-traumatic arthritis, growth abnormalities, delayed unions of the bone, nonunion, and malunion. Although these problems do not occur often, they are a risk factor that can be increased when you choose the wrong surgeon to work with.

Don’t Wait

You shouldn’t have to make important decisions in a time of crisis, so we recommend that you do some research in advance, and be prepared for different situations. Contact our office to learn more about how we help patients avoid complications. You should always have the number and contact information of the best surgeon for severe fractures on hand because it can mean the difference between a perfect recovery and a problematic one.

California’s Best Surgeon for Severe Fractures

Fractures can happen to anyone for a variety of unexpected reasons, but this injury should not affect your life past the recovery process. Dr. Marans makes sure that every patient recovers fully and quickly.


Find Treatment For Shoulder Arthrtitis in Mission Viejo, CA by Howard Marans MD

Faith Watson 9 year бұрын 0

The shoulder may develop arthritis as a result of degeneration, trauma, or autoimmune disease. Treatment for shoulder arthritis varies based on the severity of the condition, but the majority of patients are able to control their symptoms and maintain functionality in the shoulder.

About Shoulder Arthritis

Arthritis is a broad term that simply means inflammation of a joint. It may be caused by a number of factors. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative condition in which the cartilage surfaces of the joint break down over time. Post-traumatic arthritis may occur after shoulder trauma. Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks joints all over the body. There are also some less common types of arthritis, such as infectious arthritis.

Shoulder arthritis is most common among older people. It may also occur in athletes who use the shoulder frequently. Shoulder arthritis can produce pain and stiffness that make it difficult to perform even simple tasks.

Treatment Options

The most minimally invasive treatments available are preferred for treating arthritis. Because arthritis is usually a chronic condition, management is also long-term. Making lifestyle changes can go a long way toward controlling symptoms. Some common treatments include:

  • Physical therapy – Can help strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder and maintain a range of motion. The exercises learned in physical therapy should be performed at home regularly. Whatever other treatments are used, physical therapy will form a cornerstone of the treatment process.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – Medications like Aleve and Advil can help relieve the inflammation associated with shoulder arthritis.
  • Steroid injections – Steroids have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. By injecting the medication directly into the joint, it is possible to provide a large dose with only local effects.
  • Shoulder replacement – Surgical replacement of the damaged joint surfaces is sometimes necessary in cases where symptoms are severe and the patient does not respond to any other treatment methods.

Another factor that influences the course of treatment is the patient’s age and activity level. Athletes and other people who require full use of the shoulder, such as musicians, will typically receive more aggressive treatment. In contrast, older and more sedentary people will typically receive less aggressive treatment, because the benefits do not outweigh the risks.

Best Mission Viejo Shoulder Doctor

The best doctor for shoulder arthritis in Mission Viejo, CA is Dr. Howard Marans, head of OC Orthopedic. Dr. Marans has worked in orthopedics for over 20 years. He is skilled at the administration of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, and has helped many shoulder arthritis patients to regain function.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your shoulder pain. To schedule your consultation today, please call (714) 979-8981 or click below and enter your information and we will get right back to you.


Tustin, California's Top Rated Orthopedic Surgeon by Dr. Howard Marans

MacAndrew Inman 9 year бұрын 0

A top orthopedic surgeon in Tustin will provide the best care to patient with a variety of orthopedic problems. By conducting a thorough search, a potential client can find the perfect match to fulfill all health care needs relating to the musculoskeletal system. The specialist will begin with an accurate diagnosis of the injury or illness. Begin by finding the right orthopedic surgeon to obtain optimal care for injuries.

How to Find an Orthopedic Surgeon in Tustin

Finding the right orthopedic surgeon will help the potential client return to normal, healthy daily activities.

  • Ask for referrals from friends, family members and co-workers. A referral from peers can help in picking out the right orthopedic surgeon.
  • Check online referrals and reviews. The Internet will have different sites for medical reviews. The sites can be local, state, or national to help in finding the right specialist. Top rated orthopedic surgeons will have higher reviews to help a potential patient make the right choice.
  • Consult with a primary physician to obtain a list of potential orthopedic surgeons in the area. In some cases the primary physician’s office will utilize top rated orthopedic specialists for referrals.
  • Health insurance companies may have specific in-network orthopedics to utilize. If a potential patient picks an orthopedic specialist out of the network, the out of pocket costs may be higher, creating a financial burden.

Diagnosis and Consultation

An orthopedic surgeon in Tustin will start by diagnosing the specific injuries. The specialist will begin with a consultation, medical history, and questions related to the symptoms.

Where is the area causing the client pain? In the knee? Foot? Wrist? Each area will have specific needs to treat.

  • Is the pain in the muscles or joints? Could the pain be the result of a degenerative disease?
  • How long has the pain been occurring?
  • Is the area swollen and bruised?
  • Are there any signs of infection? Does the area feel warm to the touch?
  • Is the pain due to a specific injury? A fall? Sports related?

After answering these kinds of questions fully, the orthopedic surgeon will follow up with a preliminary exam and recommend testing to accurately diagnose the problem.

Testing may include X-rays and a MRI. The testing will give the orthopedic surgeon accurate details of the cause of the pain. The tests will plan the course of treatment. Depending on the degree of injury or illness, the course of treatment will either be a non-surgical or surgical option. In most situations surgery is used as a last resort unless the injury requires resetting of broken bones or the repair of torn ligaments.

The top rated orthopedic surgeon in Tustin will help in relieving painful symptoms while getting back to normal daily activities as fast as possible. Dr. Howard Marans will work to reduce and eliminate pain with both non-surgical and surgical options. Dr. Marans’ office accepts PPO and is willing to work with other insurance companies to provide an optimal outcome for the patient. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981


Meir Ezra: Jealousy

Lyndon Cooper 9 year бұрын 0

Meir Ezra - No one wants a jealous mate and no one likes being jealous. Jealousy creates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, fear. No one thinks clearly when feeling jealous.

Having a relationship with a jealous person is tough. The jealous person acts untrusting or unworthy. Jealousy makes the person unattractive, even repulsive.

What causes jealousy?

"Jealousy is the largest factor in breaking up marriages. Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of the jealous person and the jealousy may or may not have foundation. This person is afraid of hidden communication lines and will do anything to try to uncover them." -- L. Ron Hubbard

When you are jealous, a line of communication appears to exist with your spouse or lover that is hidden from you. The mystery causes the pain. If you witnessed your spouse's communication line, so it was not hidden from you, you would not feel jealous.

Hidden communication lines or mysteries make you think of questions. "Will she find someone she likes better than me?" "Is he having an affair?" "Is she going to leave me?" "Does he think I'm unattractive?"

When you are jealous, the mystery makes you assume the worst. "Maybe he'll fall in love with his cute receptionist and leave me." "She's going to lunch with her old boyfriend because she's still attracted to him." "He'll come home and tell me he wants a divorce."

How to Dissolve Jealousy

"Communication is the root of marital success from which a strong union can grow, and non-communication is the rock on which the ship will bash out her keel*." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*Keel: The main structural part of a ship that goes from bow to stern-front to back.)

If you are jealous, you need to communicate. You need to stop assuming the worst and ask questions. Communicate your feelings so you can work out solutions.

Bob says to his wife, "I don't want to feel this jealously. I want to get rid of it by asking you a question, okay? Good. So are you attracted to Joe?"

His wife says, "Heavens no! Joe just wanted some help with his son. I love YOU like crazy!"

Bang! The hidden communication is revealed. The mystery is resolved. Bob feels much better.

If Bob doesn't communicate, his wife's communication with Joe makes Bob jealous, afraid and angry. Their marriage suffers.

If your mate is jealous, make sure you have no hidden lines of communication. "Would you like to read this letter from Jill?" "Can you meet with Joe to help with his son?"

Use communication to resolve the problem. For example, you notice Marcia is acting upset and not talking. You ask yourself, "What communication line might be hidden from Marcia?" You realize she's been acting annoyed ever since you started working for an attractive female boss.

"Marcia, have I told you about my new boss?" Marcia jumps up and now wants to talk. You communicate the facts and remove the mystery. Marcia is cheerful and wants to go to a movie.

As well as using communication to resolve mysteries, communicate your feelings for your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. Tell him or her how you feel. Express your love. Show your affection.

Resolve the mysteries of the past. Discuss your feelings in the present. Make plans for the future. Because of communication, your relationship will be a big success.

Ron Hubbard also writes, "Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of the jealous person. . . ." Mr. Hubbard's discoveries on insecurity are outlined in his book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, available in our bookstore or at www.dianetics.org.


Meir Ezra: Money Motivation

Faith Watson 9 year бұрын 0

Meir Ezra - Is making money your top goal? Is it your primary motivation? If so, you may get rich, but you may not be satisfied with life. You may not have a good marriage or happy family. You may not make any difference in the world.

In fact, if money is not your only motivation, you might get rich . . . and be happy!

There's a big difference between getting money just to have money, and earning money to finance a greater cause or create a bigger benefit. How does this work?

"Money is important in the world. But it is the grease on the machinery, not the motors."

"There is nothing wrong with having lots of money. There is everything wrong with having no money. But to work only for money is the dreariest thing there is, very short term indeed."

"The weakest motivation is money. People and businesses that are motivated only by money are wobbly people."

"The scale of motivation from the highest to the lowest is:

"Duty -- highest
"Personal Conviction
"Personal Gain
"Money -- lowest" -- L. Ron Hubbard

Let's examine these four types of motivation.

1. Money Motivation (lowest): You do whatever it takes to get and keep money. You only do things for money. Even if you hate the work, you do what you need to do for the money.

You do not care if you do a good job or not, as long as you get the money. You believe that if some action gets you money, it's a good thing, no matter what is involved. Lying, cheating and stealing are okay in your mind, as long as the money comes to you.

2. Personal Gain Motivation: You work for your own health and happiness. Your personal success, personal power and personal standard of living are more important to you than anything else. You do not care about others' personal gain, just your own.

3. Personal Conviction Motivation: You are convinced of the value or rightness of an idea or purpose and work to support that idea. For example, you feel strongly about the need for your company's service or product in the world and do all you can to get others to agree with your view. You take great pride in following your ideas.

4. Duty Motivation (highest): You work for a greater purpose than yourself alone. You are motivated to improve the world; to support your country as a patriot; or to expand your group as a devoted member. For example, people who work for nonprofit organizations, to fight hunger, diseases or poverty are often motivated by duty.

When someone pretends to be motivated by a higher motivation, he or she fails. For example, a politician's duty is to support the people he or she represents. If instead, the politician is found to be using the position just to get money, that politician is kicked out of office.

However, a duty-motivated leader who works hard to accomplish that duty, has nothing to hide. His or her actions are consistently directed toward the purpose or duty. You can see statistical evidence of these accomplishments in terms of lives saved, people helped, children educated and so on.

The higher your motivation, the more energy you feel. You can work longer hours, do a better job and have more fun when you are motivated by a duty or personal conviction.


Make a list of your purposes that are greater than yourself. Which of these interest and excite you? How can you spend more time working on them?

If you think you are working just for money, take another look at your motivations. In many cases, you may find you are more motivated to make money for other reasons. These other reasons are your real motivations.

Focus on them and strengthen them and you will feel more motivated than ever!


Ramesh Shivakumaran: More Vital Port Management Concepts

Vasha Neish 9 year бұрын 0
Owing to the extent and complexity of operating ports, there are still remaining concepts Gulftainer Company Limited shares to its website guests who include owners, investors, workers and clients of ports around the world. These principles involve specific requirements for port managers to consider in operating port facilities. Gultainer's almost four decades of experience in port management and interacting with other port management companies has allowed it to expand its own knowledge and capability in the industry.

Here are some vital concepts worth considering:

1. Understanding the responsibility for and nature of marine operations allows port managers to recognize the special skills needed to operate ports. Some of these particular tasks include conservancy, dredging, proper use of navigation aids, navigation control techniques and other functions related to the industry. One almost has to have direct experience in the tasks mentioned above in order to truly appreciate the value and purpose of these functions. Many, if not all, boat captains once worked as a young sailor or a first mate before given the daunting task of ship pilot. So with running ports; one needs to have his hands dipped into one of the menial tasks of the business first in order to fully understand the significance and importance of the whole operation.

2. Understanding the management of cargo operations on board and ashore will provide port managers a working knowledge of the dynamic requirements of the business. In connection with this, one also has to appreciate the vital importance of preventing traffic and cargo congestion within the port environment to achieve a smooth operation. Nothing can mess up a port more easily than the lack of coordination and loss of time arising from machinery breakdown and worker inefficiency. Maintaining a ship-shape company requires proper training and regular monitoring of employee skills and morale.

3. Fully understanding the value of safety management provides port managers the capacity to establish a risk-free environment for workers and clients. Use of heavy equipment and moving of large cargoes and transport vehicles require utmost care and skills on the part of operators and also managers. Working as a team, safety for all concerned will be achieved according to well-established safety measures learned and developed through many years of experience.

4. Completely appreciating the importance of security to prevent terrorism, illegal immigration, theft and smuggling reduces the occurrence of illegal and criminal acts perpetrated by insiders as well as outsiders. Such activities are deemed unavoidable in many port terminals all over the world. Syndicates thrive because corruption breeds among discontented workers and petty criminals among employees who may conspire with criminals or terrorists to gain personal benefits. Providing tight security protection and safeguards is demanded of port managers, without any exception or excuse.

5. Finally, port managers must understand the role of trade unions and other labor organizations including the ITF to be able to appreciate the needs of workers and their demands for certain benefits or concessions from the company. Bargaining with these unions and organizations fully armed with the facts and figures will help ease tensions and alleviate unprofitable work stoppages and violent confrontations which sometimes happen anywhere where there is labor dispute.

Gulftainer is aware of all the issues involved in port management; after all, it has been in the business for 39 years already. The social, legal, political and economic issues that revolve around operating these ports can easily beset and stall the unprepared, the uninitiated and the unappreciative company. All these dimensions exist because the company is dealing with real-life conditions that affect the survival of not one company or a few individuals but millions of lives located in many cities and nations of the world.

Ramesh Shivakumaran and Gulftainer has made it its business to provide service that covers and resolves all these issues for the benefit of all people concerned.


Dr. Howard Marans and the Cost for Knee Surgery - 5 Things to Know

Ann Bell 9 year бұрын 0

Howard J. Marans, MD, discusses the cost for knee surgery.

Here are five things to know:

1. There are two main type of knee surgery: open knee surgery and arthroscopic knee surgery.

2. Open knee surgery is most commonly used to treat more extensive knee problems, such as total knee replacement for arthritis.

3. Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive form of surgery that can be used to treat less extensive knee problems, like meniscus or ligament tears. It is preferable to use arthroscopic knee surgery whenever possible, due to its lower risk factors, shorter downtime and lesser costs.

4. There are several factors that can influence the cost of knee surgery:

  • How high the local cost of living is
  • Whether or not open knee surgery is used
  • Whether or not a hospital stay is required
  • How long it takes to perform the surgery
  • How many resources the surgery takes to perform
  • What the individual surgeon's rates are

5. Insurance covers orthopedic knee surgery costs because knee surgery is only used in cases where it is medically necessary, but the different insurance policies vary widely in the terms of their coverage.


Affordable Shoulder Surgery Options in Fountain Valley by Dr Howard Marans

Ann Bell 9 year бұрын 0

Dr. Howard J. Marans is an orthopedic surgeon who along with other practitioners has maintained an exemplary practice for more than 20 years. Their mission is to treat all patients in a professional and timely manner. Best results depend on precise diagnosis, a full elucidation of the therapeutic options and expectations and, finally, an accurate implementation of the selected method, whether surgical or non-surgical. All these are goals which Dr. Howard has excelled in achieving, owing to his level of expertise and training to become the best one-stop place for affordable shoulder surgery options in Fountain Valley and throughout the nation.

Over the past nineteen years, he has also provided voluntary services to several institutions and his coverage has ranged from high schools to colleges. Dr. Howard J. Marans provides treatment for various kinds of situations. Whether his patients are looking to get back to soft ball league action or make a return to the school team, he diligently attends to them by using state-of-the art surgical equipment based on well-established orthopedic principles. As a practitioner who prides himself in being one of the leading orthopedic professionals, Dr. Marans considers each patient unique. He does this by getting to familiarize himself with them in a fact finding exploration that seeks to gather insights and information that he can use in identifying the most appropriate course of treatment for his patients. Some of the areas that he may tend to focus on include:

Shoulder: The shoulder possesses the widest variety of motions in comparison with other joints in the human body. This puts it at a disadvantage on the basis that it is the least stable joint. One of the main options for the shoulder offered by Dr. Marans is surgery due to injury to or caused by:

Instability: Usually, instability to the shoulder can be treated non-surgically. However, there are situations that do arise where treatment is essential, such as in the case of multiple shoulder dislocations.

Rotator cuff tears: In the case of such injuries, patients can only reduce but not eliminate their probability for occurring. Severe injuries require surgery and extrem ones may inhibit the chances of any future athletic endeavors.

Shoulder Arthroscopy: Most of the shoulder injuries that may require surgery are usually done using shoulder arthroscopy which involves the insertion of a small camera into the joint. In most cases, patients return home the same day.

Arms: Arm injuries are usually concentrated around the forearm, arm, or elbow. If any of these parts are injured, one common symptom that can occur is pain. Arm injuries can be classified into:

Tennis Elbow: As the name suggest, this injury usually affects tennis players. It may also be common among other athletes who frequently use their elbows for instance grapplers and power lifters. It usually occurs as a result of over exertion of the muscles in the forearm and it usually takes a while to develop. It can be treated non-surgically.

Fractures: Fractures to the bones can occur at numerous points in the arm. While minor fractures may only require casting, major ones may require some form of surgery so as to set the bone

Top Affordable Shoulder Surgery in Fountain Valley

Howard J. Marans, MD welcomes new patients and tries to make their payment procedures as easy as possible. In conjunction with other practitioners, they accept various medical insurance plans and payment options. For instance, they treat members of most PPO plans and will even go as far as treating members of PPO plans that they are not affiliated with. Please click www.ocorthopedic.com for affordable shoulder surgery options or call us at 714.979.8981